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Studland Short 2025

Studland Swimrun 2025

The perfect way to experience swimrun for the first time.

Our 8.7km route is a lovely mixture of paved and trail running, with 4 runs and 3 swims.

You’ll set off from The Discovery Centre at Knoll Beach, taking The Sand Dunes Trail to the sea for just over 1/2km. Then a 600m swim along Studland Beach to the water-sports centre. After a 500m run to Middle Beach,  you then swim 640m jaunt through the marine conservation zone with the potential to swim with seahorses, round to South Beach.
From Joe’s Cafe, you run up the path to meet the road, turn left onto the Old Harry path, filling up with hydration or nutrition from Hydration Station 1 if you need to.  Having soaked up the incredible views across Bournemouth Bay as you approach Old Harry Rocks, turn uphill for 100m before entering a woodland trail which twists and turns it’s way back to the coastpath you just came up. Turn left to run back towards The Bankes Arms, round the path past Fort Henry, where Churchill and Eisenhower oversaw the preparations for D-Day. In the water again at Middle Beach for a long, final 800m swim, finished off with a 200m dash to the finish through the sand.

All the swim entries and exits are on sandy beaches. There are no rocks or difficult terrain.

This swimrun is run under our standard swimrun rules

Important Note
Neoprene mandatory when water temp <16C or when water temp < 17C+windchill air temp < 18C

Course Plan

All courses could change, including on the day itself. Weather conditions and landowners dictate the final course.

British SwimRun is an organisation which provides the new British SwimRun Ranking System.

The British Ranking system pulls athlete positions from all major British swimruns and ranks participants with points. These are aggregated and displayed as results are gathered throughout the year.

Sign up for FREE  here

Location: Dorset, UK
Date: June 14, 2025
Duration: 1 Day
Type: Swimrun
Category: Short
Distance: 8.7km
Total Run: 6.6km
Total Swim: 2.1km
Format: Solo