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Social Swimrun


Use your swimrun skills on the first of our social swimruns of 2024.

Weather dependent, with a route to be decided nearer the time, this is a fabulous opportunity to join head honcho David Trehane and possibly a couple of other seasoned swimrunners on a gentle, no pressure swimrun.

Whether you want to test skills learned in one of our workshops or test new kit, this is perfect.

Up to 5km of running on hard surface and beach
Multiple transitions between swim and run
Short swims of between 200m and 400m

All courses could change, including on the day itself. Weather conditions and other factors dictate the final course.


The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
Adult Ticket
We've added a small charge to cover safety cover and admin
20 available
Category: ,
Location: Bournemouth area
Date: April 20, 2024
Duration: 1 Day
Type: Swimrun
Category: Social
Distance: 5km approx
Total Run: TBC
Total Swim: TBC
Cost (Solo): £5